Monday, June 11, 2012

Uphold genuine Philippine independence! End 114 years of U.S. control of Philippine sovereignty!

Statement on the occasion of Philippine Independence Day
11 June 2012

This Philippine “Independence Day,” BAYAN-Toronto, Migrante-Canada, Anakbayan-Toronto, Gabriela, and our allies continue the fight for true independence in the Philippines and against 114 years of US military and economic intervention (with the support of its little brother Canada). 

We condemn the administration of President “Noynoy” Aquino for continuing to cater to U.S. military and economic interests for both their benefit, and of those from the Philippine ruling classes—at the expense of the wishes, rights, and dignity of the majority of the Filipino people.

Despite the 1991 Senate decision to shut down US bases, recent news shows that American military presence is again growing and the Philippines is again being discussed as a major staging ground for US military assets—as a permanent staging ground for US military offensives, storage space for surveillance drones, resupply and refueling station for US warships and aircrafts, as well as rest and recreational facility for US servicemen.

The US defense strategy entails a so-called “rebalance to Asia.”  With China’s economic growth threatening US domination over the region, the Obama administration announced earlier this year the shift in its military focus away from Iraq and Afghanistan and to renew its commitment to re-asserting its position in the Asia-Pacific.  A 60% strategic shift to the Asia Pacific region is set to be completed by 2020.

This past weekend Noynoy and Obama met at the White House to discuss increasing US military presence as well as the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), a neoliberal free-trade agreement - often referred to as the NAFTA of Asia Washington wishes to impose on the Philippines.

Canada is not a neutral party either.  Canada is a full supporter of US policies in the Philippines, and supplies weapons, parts, and training to the Philippine military.  Canadian human rights training has been criticized by Amnesty International as merely helping soldiers survive the ordeal of a human rights trial—instead of the stated goal of training to follow human rights conventions.

Bayan-Canada, Migrante-Canada, Anakbayan-Toronto, Gabriela, and our allies demand the Philippine government live up to its responsibilities to the Filipino people.  We demand a government that is truly democratic and serves the needs of the people.  We demand an end to 114 years of US military intimidation and human rights violations on our own shores.

The Filipino people both at home and abroad should not allow themselves to be fooled by American false friendship.  We ask them to stand with us in demanding an end to US military and economic remote control of Philippine sovereignty.

Stop US intervention in the Philippines!
Junk the Visiting Forces Agreement!
Uphold genuine Philippine independence!
US troops out now!

Alex Felipe – BAYAN Canada-Toronto Spokesperson, (416) 707-6111