Saturday, November 27, 2010

Rebel Music Americas with director Malcolm Guy

The May 1st Movement presents

REBEL MUSIC AMERICASwith Director Malcolm Guy
and a report back from the International Assembly of Migrants and Refugees in Mexico City this past November

Thursday, December 2, 2010
6:00pm - 9:00pm
University of Toronto, Innis College
2 Sussex Ave., Toronto

$5 at the door or pwyc

From Tierra del Fuego to the Rio Grande the Americas are in turmoil, and in the midst of the social and political movements rocking the region are some amazing rebel musicians. Four of them take centre stage in the feature-length documentary film Rebel Music Americas (Musiques rebelles Americas) directed by Marie Boti and Malcolm Guy and produced by Lucie Pageau.

Theirs is the music of the other America, the America of the South - popular, dynamic, rebellious and often… "anti-American". It's the rhythms and voices of displaced communities in Columbia, of "los piqueteros" blocking access to a refinery in Buenos Aires, of indigenous Mexicans hunted down at the US border, of peasants staging vast land occupations in Brazil.

For more info:

RSVP on Facebook:

*BAYAN Canada (Toronto) is a member of M1M.

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